
Doggyland is a 3D animated series created by Snoop Dogg, October London and Claude Brooks, Executive Producer of Hip Hop Harry. The show features a colorful cast of dogs in a vibrant world where they sing, rap and dance to fun and educational songs that teach learning and cognitive fundamentals for kids all around the world.The songs help promote social emotional development as well as age related cognitive development in the preschool set and older. We cover a wide range of engaging topics such as letters, numbers, colors, animals, good habits, hygiene, accepting others and more, along with modern remixes of classic nursery rhymes. Our music is made by award winning producers, rappers and singers resulting in tunes that everyone in the family can enjoy, allowing parents to participate in their child's learning experience.
Doggyland is a 3D animated series created by Snoop Dogg, October London and Claude Brooks, Executive Producer of Hip Hop Harry. The show features a colorful cast of dogs in a vibrant world where they sing, rap and dance to fun and educational songs that teach learning and cognitive fundamentals for kids all around the world.The songs help promote social emotional development as well as age related cognitive development in the preschool set and older. We cover a wide range of engaging topics such as letters, numbers, colors, animals, good habits, hygiene, accepting others and more, along with modern remixes of classic nursery rhymes. Our music is made by award winning producers, rappers and singers resulting in tunes that everyone in the family can enjoy, allowing parents to participate in their child's learning experience.
Kids Hits Vol 1 [Colored Vinyl] [Limited Edition]
Artist: Doggyland
Format: Vinyl
New: Available $33.98

Formats and Editions


1. Wheels on the Bus (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
2. Please ; Thank You (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
3. ABC Song (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
4. 5 Little Puppies (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
5. Sharing Is Caring (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
6. Affirmation Song (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
7. Everybody's Different (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
8. Bully Song (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
9. Roy G Biv (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
10. Reading Song (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
11. Humpty Dumpty
12. Head Shoulders Knees ; Toes (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
13. Scrub a Dub Dub
14. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
15. Are You Sleeping?
16. Hush Little Baby

More Info:

Doggyland is a 3D animated series created by Snoop Dogg, October London and Claude Brooks, Executive Producer of Hip Hop Harry. The show features a colorful cast of dogs in a vibrant world where they sing, rap and dance to fun and educational songs that teach learning and cognitive fundamentals for kids all around the world.The songs help promote social emotional development as well as age related cognitive development in the preschool set and older. We cover a wide range of engaging topics such as letters, numbers, colors, animals, good habits, hygiene, accepting others and more, along with modern remixes of classic nursery rhymes. Our music is made by award winning producers, rappers and singers resulting in tunes that everyone in the family can enjoy, allowing parents to participate in their child's learning experience.
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